Monday, September 20, 2010

Final color pallette

Here is my 3rd or 4th time on trying to upload this blasted thing, shoop the whoop!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Motion pitches

So after going through a few ideas for the motion side of things I have come up with a few solid ideas. The major thing I think we need to focus on first is to get away from the whole "viral" idea. Viral videos are awesome and they do a great job at getting attention, but more often then not they get attention for really stupid things and in the long run I think that if the video/s were to go viral for something stupid and pointless it would hurt the image for The Sports Family Club more then help it.

Pitch Idea: Take me out to the ball game

Length: 45 - 60 secs

Concept: Focusing on the pure philosophy of "sports being fun" this idea is a bait and switch concept. The video would start with the music of "take me out to the ball game" with black & white footage of youth sports. Voiced over the footage would be recordings of sport events where parents lost their control and so fourth. At the end of the video (45 - 50 sec mark) the voice over and video would stop instantly and text would come into focus asking "When do we get to have fun?". The video would end with the logo and sports family club name appearing beneath the question.

Pitch Idea: Inspiration

Length: 45 secs - 1:30

Concept: This idea is based off of using Mike as a voice over talking about the organization and where it came from. Supporting this would be text based facts on screen for 5 - 10 secs. about what kind of a impact youth sports / activities have on kids and families alike. While there is nothing fancy of flashy about this idea alike my first idea the strong narration and theme is what would stand this video apart.

Pitch Idea: Vector Sports

Length: 60 secs

Concept: This idea is based off of my vector / photo suggestions, going off the flow of demo reels and what the video would transition between video and vector / silhouette based art that would carry whatever sport was playing in the video. While it doesn't relay on dramatic emotions, the pacing and flow of the video will match the passion and tempo of sports themselves.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Style guide submittal V2.0

The idea/s behind these logos is following up with what Mike said in regards to the versatility of logo itself and its ability to reflect whatever sport is being represented by whatever medium. The iconic ball can be replaced easily to reflect the needed sport without affecting the text itself. The logo on the upper left instead of focusing on the sport itself, I decided to supplement the children themselves. The image of the child can be easily supplemented with different children over time or even can follow a child as they grow up with sports in their lives.