Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So I'll kind of explain my thinking with the two new iterations of the logos.

First of which being the face with the cap. I tried to move away from traditional thoughts of sports and what exactly is associated with. So I started to think more of the aspect of kids, since the company is outreaching to kids. So Through my own childhood I thought of legos. Which made me move in the direction of the simple face structure, and creating a more logo centric design which could remove the name and the type.

The next design, I was trying to utilize negative space in a simple shape being a circle (which has connotations of many sports through balls) and creating another logocentric image, using something more synonomus with coaching, being a whistle.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea including a relationship to children in the logo, that is what we are about. I also like the lego head with cap, but don't see that as our main logo from a branding perspective.

    Can you explain why you wouldn't include the word "The" in the logo? I'm just curious. I'm not adamant about it being included.

    Perhaps we do a combination of my existing icon (brand development) with the new logos and verbiage?
